Monday, November 17, 2008

Tentative Court Date

Ummmm.... a little freaked out here.... We have a tentative court date already. Dec 8th!! My exact response to that info I won't repeat, it wasn't that bad... but not something I'd put in writing. lol!

I was talking to our agency director about taking three trips instead of two. Two trips would have us in country for 24 days, and that is just too long. So, we could possibly fly back for court (4 days total) and then go back with the boys after the 10 day waiting period. However, that would put us there over Christmas. Christmas in Russia, not exactly my ideal situation....but as long as we are all together... that's all I care about.

So now I am working on updated paperwork, passport apps for the kids, updated homestudy for USCIS, a birthday for DS2, Thanksgiving for a housefull of family, and not to mention Christmas. Lists, lists, lists... I have to start making lists. If I look at everything at once, its overwhelming. So, I'm going to have to work at it in small steps....

So much to do, and sooo little time!


Carolynn and Steve said...

Holy Cow! How amazing and exciting and overwhelming all at the same time! I'm sure that you'll make the best decision and that everything will work out ok in the end...but wow! I totally understand the necessity of making some massive lists! I'm holding you in my prayers.

Lakeshore Cottage Living said...

How very exciting!!! Wow!!! You have a lot on your plate...but just think you will have your baby boy home by the end of the year! AND you can claim all your adoption expenses on the tax return for the year AND you get to count another deduction for this year!

God's plans, not ours....sometimes makes us hustle through our day! You can do are Supermom! Just keep telling yourself that and then you can go to bed Jan. 1st. Ha!

Congratulations on a speedy court date. That is really great.

Becky and Keith said...

HOLY FAST TENTATIVE COURT DATE! Wowzers! I wouldn't be able to put my response in writing if I were you either! :-) Make those lists and check them twice! :-) If I can help, just let me know!

Carey and Norman said...

I too was going to say Holy Cow, but I see that response is already taken. Jeepers, Batman. This is exciting news and much deserved. You've waited so long to travel on trip 1 that it is promising to hear that you will be able to travel quickly for trip 2. I cannot wait to hear more news as the week unfolds!!

Christmas in magical!

Michael, Carrie, and S said...

Congratulations! It is awesome that you got it so quickly! You will have a fun time packing over the holidays, I'm sure! :)

Kim Abraham - Mom to the Fabulous Five! said...


We just may get to meet in Moscow afterall! We'll be there from 12-5 through 12-10. I think you have set another speedy record -- first your dossier and now a court date!

I am sooo thankful that you won't have to endure the agonizingly long wait between trips!

Glad to hear your boys will get to travel with you too! It will be a Christmas to remember for a lifetime!


Mamosa said...

You have got your hands full, girl! You continue to be in my prayers.

jeannie said...

How exciting....
I know you can get it all done.

Troy and Rachel said...

That's so exciting that you have a tentative date already!! It seems fitting as you waited so long for the referral that you should have a short back end of the process!! Can't wait to hear more.

Nekey said...

How exciting... I too would be making lists!! Deep breaths, one thing at a time. I am praying for you. ;-)

Flamingo said...

wow!!! i know that is alot of stress on you, but what an amazing gift for your little be home by christmas!!

i would be panicking too...some how I have a feeling you will pull it all together!!